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Company data

Denominazione e ragione sociale: EDITA S.R.L.
Sede legale: Via Flaminia n. 138 - 47923 Rimini (RN)
Ufficio registro delle imprese: Registro delle Imprese della Romagna - Forlì-Cesena e Rimini
Data atto costituzione: 13/05/1992
Data di iscrizione: 01/08/1992
Capitale sociale: 18.200,00
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 02195340407
Posta elettronica certificata (PEC): pec@pec.editarimini.com
Numero Repertorio economico amministrativo (Rea): RN-248038
Capitale in bilancio (società di capitali): 18.200,00

Solar panels- photovoltaic panels- water solar panels- photovoltaic solar panels- thermal solar panels- solar panel production- solar panel sales


This portal has been established to fulfil the public’s need to know about photovoltaic panels and solar panels, to understand how and who to contact for the installation of solar panels (solar panel installations) find businesses in your area, offering advice, planning and assembly of Thermal solar panels (solar panel companies) to be able to better understand the cost of photovoltaic panel and perhaps be able to find incentives for solar panels or financing for Thermal solar panels, in short everything that you want to know about thermal solar panels explained in a simple way and understandable to everybody. In addition, on the site, you will find a solar panel installer near you.


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Circuito Editarimini.info | Circuito Editapagine.com | Circuito entroterra-riviera-adriatica.com |

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